Course description
Bikeway Design Principles, Planning, and Best Practices
Make your vision a reality and understand the different bikeway types and treatments that are appropriate for a given location.
When residents, workers, families, youths, and retirees can choose to bicycle easily, enjoyably, and confidently to their everyday destinations, your community has a strong foundation for health, fitness, reduced school and neighborhood traffic, and overall quality of life. But how can transportation planners, traffic engineers, citizen advisors, planning commissioners, and elected officials who do not currently use a bicycle for transportation develop an understanding of the community benefits of bicycle accommodations (‘bikeways’), the spectrum of bikeway types, and which types are appropriate for various combinations of traffic speed, volume, and urban character?
This material will help individuals serving in all these roles understand how to enhance streets and intersections so bicycling becomes a comfortable choice for a broad range of ages, abilities, and trip purposes. You will learn which bikeway types and treatments are appropriate on a given street and the elements of a Bicycle Master Plan or Active Transportation Plan to make your vision a reality. It is an excellent introduction to the field for planning and design staff and management.
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Who should attend?
This live webinar is designed for
- engineers
- project managers
- architects
- city officials
- developers
- presidents
- vice presidents
- contractors
- subcontractors
- business owners and managers
- planners
- public works directors and transportation officials.
Training content
- Bikeway Network Benefits, Importance and Goals
- Bicyclist Age, Experience, Skills and Confidence Levels, Related to Level of Traffic Stress (LTS)
- Bikeways That Increase Ridership
Bikeway Design Principles
- Bikeway Context
- Roadway Context: Speed, Volume, Urban/Suburban/Rural, Fronting Uses, Connectivity, Spatial Frequency
- Roadway Elements: Block-Start, Mid-Block, Transition, Storage, Intersection
- Bikeway Types and Elements, by Context
- Shared (Shared Roadway, Sharrows, Traffic Calming, Neighborhood Greenways/Bike Boulevards, Slow Streets, Edge Lane Roadways)
- Striped (Shoulder, Bike Lane, Buffered Bike Lane)
- Separated (1-Way Cycle Track, 2-Way Cycle Track; Partly Raised)
- Independent Paths (Corridors, Alignments, Short Gap-Closures, Mode-Separation)
- Two-Way Bikeways on One-Way Streets
- Grade Separations (Overcrossings, Undercrossings, Best Practices)
- Tools for Intersections and Intersections
- Markings: Through Pocket, Mixing Zone, Bike Signal, Bike Box, Turn Box, Lane Extension, Cross-Bike
- Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) and Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHBs)
- Protected Intersections ('Dutch Junctions')
- Roundabouts
- Guide Signage
Bikeway Network Planning Principles
- Long Range Planning and Its Importance
- Assessing Existing Conditions
- Defining Needs
- Access to Schools, Workplaces, Commercial Areas
- Across-Barrier Connections
- Alternatives to Arterial and Collector Streets
- Network Proposals, Recommendations and Prioritization
- Implementation and Funding Strategies
- City, County, Subregional, Regional/MPO, State and DOT Program Coordinators and Advisory Committees
Certification / Credits
Learning Objectives
- You will be able to identify and describe the types of bikeways.
- You will be able to recognize opportunities for transforming streets and intersections.
- You will be able to discuss bikeway alternatives applicable to a given street’s characteristics.
- You will be able to explain the benefits of a well-connected bikeway network with options for a wide range of bicyclist experience.
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Lorman Education Services is a leading provider of online professional development and corporate training for organizations and individual professionals. For more than 30 years, Lorman has delivered relevant, high-quality, professional-level courses that cover a broad range of business and technical...