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Professional Course

Introduction to Connected Strategy

edX, Online
6 weeks
199 USD
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Self-paced Online
6 weeks
199 USD
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Course description

Introduction to Connected Strategy

In this course, you’ll learn how technology has enabled firms to fundamentally change how they connectwith their customers. Professors Christian Terwiesch and Nicolaj Siggelkow of the Wharton School havedesigned this course to help you explore the impact of connected strategies and business opportunitiesassociated with those strategies. Through study and analysis of both the innovation framework andvalue proposition, you’ll learn how Connected Customer Experience and the Connected Delivery Modelscan be utilized in a myriad of industry and business models. You’ll also explore different types ofconnected customers/producers and examples of connected strategy and evaluate existing technologiesthat can inform the design of connected relationships. By the end of this course, you’ll be able toidentify different types of connected strategies and opportunities in a variety of business models so youcan employ best practices and achieve success within your organization.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Self-paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Who should attend?


  • Familiarity with basic business concepts
  • This is a graduate level course

Training content

Module 1

  • Disruption in Sleep Medicine
  • Three Horizons of Innovation
  • Introduction to the Connected Strategy Framework
  • The Magic of Connectivity: Disney
  • Connected Strategy Framework: 2 Case Studies
  • Connected Relationships and Connected Delivery Model
  • The Fundamental Promise of Connected Strategies
  • Value and Value Proposition
  • The Efficiency Frontier

Module 2

  • Five Different Customer Experiences
  • Connected Customer Experience Example
  • The Customer Journey
  • Repeat to Push Out the Frontier
  • Repeat and Competitive Advantage
  • Four Levels of Customization

Module 3

  • The Connected Producer
  • The Connected Retailer, The Connected Market Maker, and the Crowd Orchestrator
  • Peer to Peer Network Creators
  • The Connected Strategy Matrix
  • The Connected Toothbrush
  • The Revenue Model: 5 Principles

Module 4

  • Deconstructing Your Connected Strategy
  • Classification Trees and Selection Tables
  • Bottom-Up Innovation
  • Why Talk About Disruption
  • The Case of Imaging
  • The Innovators Dilemma
  • Connectivity and Disruption
  • ConnectedStrategy Conclusion

Course delivery details

This course is offered through The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, a partner institute of EdX.

2-4 hours per week


  • Verified Track -$199
  • Audit Track - Free

Certification / Credits

What you'll learn

  • Identify and define connected strategies, their potential and value proposition
  • Analyze customer experiences to understand the customer journey
  • Leverage positive feedback loops with customers to create effective customization strategies
  • Identify connected relationships in your firm to improve your connected strategy
  • Create connection architecture and implement connected customer relationship strategies

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141 Portland Street
02139 Cambridge Massachusetts


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