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Values-Based Leadership | Leading by Example

Explore the power of leading by example with LDi. Learn how aligning actions with core values fosters growth, authenticity, and trust, inspiring excellence in all areas of life.

a young woman shaking hands across a table with an older woman, while 4 other people look on

In this edition of LDi’s Values-Based Leadership Newsletter, Anthony Tormey, President & CEO of the Leader Development Institute, explores the impact of values-driven leadership. He shows how embodying principles can inspire trust, foster accountability, and cultivate integrity.

In the ever-evolving landscape of personal and professional development, one timeless principle continues to stand out: leading by example. At the heart of this approach lies the notion of harnessing core values to drive growth both in our personal lives and within the realms of our careers. In this edition of LDi’s Values-Based Leadership Newsletter, we delve into the significance of aligning our actions with our values and explore how doing so can pave the way for meaning and purpose.

Leading by example hinges on the alignment between our professed values and our day-to-day actions. It's not enough to merely espouse lofty ideals; true leadership requires embodying those values consistently in our conduct. Whether in the workplace, at home, or in our communities, our actions should reflect the principles we profess to uphold.

When leaders lead by example, they inspire trust, foster accountability, and cultivate a culture of integrity. Employees look to their leaders not only for direction but also for cues on how to navigate challenges and conduct themselves. By modeling behaviors that align with their core values, leaders set a powerful precedent, influencing those around them to follow suit.

Embracing our core values as guiding lights can catalyze personal and professional growth in myriad ways. When we operate in alignment with our values, we experience a sense of congruence and fulfillment, fueling intrinsic motivation and resilience in the face of adversity. Moreover, integrating our values into our leadership approach fosters authenticity and fosters deeper connections with those we lead.

Early in my career as a public speaker, I landed a speaking gig with a national chain of buffet restaurants. Eager to gather information for my upcoming engagement, I arranged a visit to one of the local branches. Stepping inside, I sought out the manager on duty, who had been anticipating my arrival. She greeted me warmly, extending an invitation to explore the restaurant and chat with any staff members I pleased.


Although this isn’t about the manager's leadership—it was Donna. A young college student, Donna sported one of those classic white puffy chef hats as she meticulously tended to the salad bar. Intrigued, I observed her as she tidied up the display, wiping up drops of dressing, and swapping out wilted veggies for fresh trays of produce.

I caught up with Donna in the kitchen and asked about her role. With pride in her voice, she declared, "I'm the salad chef." The "salad CHEF"?! I couldn’t help but think to myself. After all, we were in an all you could eat buffet.

Without missing a beat, Donna proceeded to enlighten me with earnest enthusiasm. She explained how it was her duty to uphold the highest standards of cleanliness and freshness at her station, ensuring that every patron who stepped foot into "her restaurant" enjoyed a pristine salad experience.

It was clear Donna embodied the core values of integrity, a tireless work ethic, unwavering drive, and an innate sense of hospitality. In her humble role as the Salad Chef, she didn't just follow the company's values—she lived and breathed them, leading by example for others to follow.

In the professional sphere, organizations that prioritize values-driven leadership tend to attract and retain top talent. Employees are more engaged and committed when they perceive their work as meaningful and aligned with their personal values. Consequently, organizations that foster a values-driven culture often enjoy higher levels of employee satisfaction, productivity, and innovation.

In the journey of personal and professional growth, leading by example stands as a timeless principle that transcends industries, disciplines, and roles. By anchoring ourselves in our core values and embodying them through our actions, we not only elevate ourselves but also inspire those around us to strive for excellence. As we continue to navigate the complexities of the modern world, let us remember the transformative power of aligning our actions with our values, for therein lies the path to authentic leadership and enduring success.

Be Extraordinary!


Anthony Tormey, President & CEO

Leader Development Institute (LDi)

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Picture of Anthony Tormey

Anthony Tormey

Founder and Chief Training Officer, Leader Development Institute and Professional Training & Coaching Consultant (more)
Anthony Tormey, founder and Chief Training Officer of the Leader Development Institute, brings over 40 years of extensive experience in both military and corporate training. His 20-year military career as a Pararescueman and Air Battle Manager equipped him with skills in rock climbing, scuba diving, free-fall parachuting, long-term survival, emergency medicine, and airspace management. These experiences honed his leadership, adaptability, and strategic thinking, essential for effective project management and team collaboration in high-pressure situations. Certified as a Master Quality Instructor and licensed to facilitate the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Anthony has seamlessly transitioned his military expertise into the corporate world. His journey in training and development began with the Boy Scouts of America and continued through his military career, focusing on fostering leadership among young men, junior officers, and Airmen. This foundation laid the groundwork for his current role, where he balances operational responsibilities with mentorship, preparing others for leadership roles. Beyond his military accolades, Anthony is a seasoned speaker and motivator, conducting seminars and delivering speeches on Leadership, Management, Strategic Thinking, Project Management, Team-building, and Effective Communication both nationally and internationally. His dynamic approach to training and education is evident in every setting, whether it's a challenge course, stage, or boardroom. Anthony's goal is to train, educate, and inspire his audience through real-world experiences, role plays, and experiential learning, serving as a catalyst for organizational improvement and growth. Ready to transform your team and propel your organization to new heights? Connect with Anthony Tormey and the Leader Development Institute today to elevate your leadership, empower your teams, and embark on a journey of continuous improvement and success. Schedule a consultation or a Success Seminar today. (less)


Anthony Tormey, founder and Chief Training Officer of the Leader Development Institute, brings over 40 years of extensive experience in both military and corporate training. His 20-year military career as a Pararescueman and Air Battle Manager equipped him with skills in rock climbing, scuba diving, free-fall parachuting, long-term survival, emergency medicine, and airspace management. These experiences honed his leadership, adaptability, and strategic thinking, essential for effective project management and team collaboration in high-pressure situations. Certified as a Master Quality Instructor and licensed to facilitate the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Anthony has seamlessly transitioned his military expertise into the corporate world. His journey in training and development began with the Boy Scouts of America and continued through his military career, focusing on fostering leadership among young men, junior officers, and Airmen. This foundation laid the groundwork for his current role, where he balances operational responsibilities with mentorship, preparing others for leadership roles. Beyond his military accolades, Anthony is a seasoned speaker and motivator, conducting seminars and delivering speeches on Leadership, Management, Strategic Thinking, Project Management, Team-building, and Effective Communication both nationally and internationally. His dynamic approach to training and education is evident in every setting, whether it's a challenge course, stage, or boardroom. Anthony's goal is to train, educate, and inspire his audience through real-world experiences, role plays, and experiential learning, serving as a catalyst for organizational improvement and growth. Ready to transform your team and propel your organization to new heights? Connect with Anthony Tormey and the Leader Development Institute today to elevate your leadership, empower your teams, and embark on a journey of continuous improvement and success. Schedule a consultation or a Success Seminar today.
