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How AI is Changing Leadership

Become a confident AI leader. Stay up to date with how AI is transforming leadership. 

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Once a concept confined to science fiction, artificial intelligence (AI)—especially generative AI—has now burst into the mainstream. It’s captivated imaginations and is quietly revolutionizing the business world. This excitement is well-founded: it’s been estimated that generative AI could add $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion of value annually (by comparison, the United Kingdom’s entire GDP in 2021 was $3.1 trillion), increasing the impact of all artificial intelligence by 15-40%.   

At findcourses, we’ve also seen widespread interest in this disruptive power. According to our 2024 Course Trends & Skills Outlook Report, there’s been a remarkable 550% increase in interest in AI courses on our platform in the past year alone. To stress this point further, McKinsey has published over 100 articles to help inform and guide organizations on the topic.  

AI is fundamentally changing how people live and work. Leaders must embrace AI to stay ahead, leveraging its ability to automate tasks and enhance efficiency. Read the article to explore how AI is reshaping leadership.


"Every job will be impacted by AI... Most of that will be more augmentation rather than replacing workers." 

— Pieter den Hamer, VP of Research at Gartner (as quoted in The Washington Post) 

How AI is Changing the World of Work 

Artificial Intelligence is poised to change how we think about leadership and the very future of work. Its impact extends beyond manufacturing robots to fields like data analysis and customer service, with the potential to automate up to 30% of tasks (taking up 60-70% of employees’ time) in about 60% of jobs, according to McKinsey. The Council of Economic Advisers highlights that AI can automate non-routine tasks across various occupations. 

Workforce transformation is expected to speed up due to advancements in technical automation. New scenarios suggest that by 2030 to 2060, around half of current work activities could be automated. 

These projections highlight a significant shift in our roles and responsibilities, emphasizing the importance of adaptability. Microsoft's CEO, Satya Nadella in a session at the World Economic Forum categorically stated, “The future of work is not just about technology and tools. It’s about new management practices and sensibilities to the workplace.” 

“[T]his next generation of AI will unlock a new wave of productivity growth... designed to remove the drudgery from our daily tasks and jobs, freeing us to rediscover the joy of creation.”

- Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft 

AI’s Impact on Leadership 

The importance of visionary thinking becomes even more crucial within this AI-induced light. AI is advancing quickly, but it still cannot replicate the human ability for imagination and purpose-driven vision. Leaders are more important now than ever-- retaining their humanistic edge in strategic planning, navigating uncertainty, and inspiring teams

Generative AI is poised to significantly transform the roles of higher-wage knowledge workers by automating tasks previously seen as resistant to automation. By eliminating administrative and production tasks, AI enhances efficiency and empowers workers.

This allows leaders to engage more deeply with colleagues and team members, dedicating ample time to problem-solving and decision-making. Microsoft's CEO, Satya Nadella has remarked, "AI cannot replace human qualities like creativity, empathy, and judgment. Instead, AI will amplify our human capabilities and help cultivate our creative spirit." 

“AI will make us more human, not less.” 

- Satya Nadella, Microsoft 

1. Managing a Blended Workforce 

Effectively managing a workforce that combines human talent with AI capabilities is crucial for modern leaders. Successfully managing a blended workforce of human talent and AI capabilities will become increasingly important for leaders.

Repetitive tasks like data entry and invoicing consume valuable time and resources. Integrating AI solutions allows companies to liberate employees for more strategic endeavors demanding critical thinking and creativity. 

2. Transforming Team Communication and Collaboration 

AI has fundamentally reshaped how teams communicate and collaborate. By enhancing existing collaboration tools and introducing new ones, AI streamlines tasks such as communication, supervision, and documentation.

These advancements enable smoother collaboration across different teams and fields. For instance, AI-powered translation tools break down language barriers, facilitating global teams to problem-solve and collaborate like never before. 

3. Enhancing Remote and Hybrid Work Environments 

In remote and hybrid work settings, AI significantly improves various aspects of work by enhancing communication, automating tasks, and boosting productivity. For instance, project management tools like Asana streamline coordination, and apps like RescueTime optimize workflows. Collaboration tools like Slack improve teamwork. 

Data security is enhanced with AI-driven systems like Norton, which detect and respond to threats in real-time. AI simplifies information sharing with tools like Notion and supports skill development through personalized learning platforms like Coursera.  

AI tools like these make work more efficient and effective. 

4. Improving Decision-Making with AI 

AI's ability to analyze large amounts of data quickly is crucial for making better decisions. It finds patterns and trends in data that humans might miss.

AI also uses predictive models to forecast market trends and predict how customers will behave. This helps organizations plan and allocate resources wisely. Real-time data processing gives leaders instant insights into current situations, allowing them to make decisions quickly and effectively. 

5. Navigating Ethical Considerations 

While AI offers immense potential, ethical considerations are paramount in AI-driven decisions. Leaders must ensure transparency and fairness in their use of AI to maintain employees’ trust and integrity.

Understanding how human actions affect the results produced by algorithms will be an essential skill, even as generative AI continues to develop and integrate into organizational processes. 

Enhancing Soft Skills to Counteract AI 

Employees prefer human leadership over technology, as noted by Harvard Business Review. With this sentiment in mind, the leadership pundits have declared that “the best leaders cannot be replaced by AI”. ... for now, at least.   

There's skepticism about AI's ability to understand human behavior at work better than human leaders, with 57% expressing distrust and 22% remaining neutral, according to the research.  

As AI continues to evolve, leaders must adapt and grow quickly. Both themselves and their teams require significant upskilling. This rapid learning is necessary to navigate new challenges and keep pace with technological advancements.    

“The future of leadership is AI-enabled — not AI-dominated.” 

- Harvard Business Review 

Human leadership hinges on three core qualities: awareness, compassion, and wisdom. Awareness helps leaders manage tasks and stay focused on goals, while compassion builds trust through courage and honesty in relationships. Wisdom guides ethical decision-making that benefits teams and organizations, setting human leaders apart from AI, which lacks self-awareness, compassion, and nuanced judgment. 

Therefore, developing soft skills like emotional intelligence, critical thinking, conflict resolution, and active listening is crucial for leaders as part of their professional development. While AI excels at providing data-driven insights, it falls short in understanding emotions, cultures, and subtleties. Leaders must focus on becoming more human—enhancing their empathy and trustworthiness-- to effectively bridge the gap between AI-driven insights and human understanding, fostering loyalty among their teams.  

Leaders who harness AI effectively can boost productivity and decision-making. By integrating AI, they streamline operations, optimize resources, and respond swiftly to market changes. Yet, the real distinction lies with leaders who balance AI's benefits with a people-centered approach. These leaders prioritize emotional intelligence, trust-building, and team empowerment. They create supportive environments that attract top talent, foster loyalty, and drive sustainable success. 

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Picture of Rama Eriksson

Rama Eriksson

Digital Content Editor (more)
Rama Eriksson is a Digital Content Editor at Her writing is complemented by 15+ years as an international marketing professional. She brings her experience and curiosity to connect professionals to the right training to help further their goals. Rama has Masters degrees in both law and business. Originally from the New York area, Rama has lived in Stockholm, Sweden since 2010. (less)


Rama Eriksson is a Digital Content Editor at Her writing is complemented by 15+ years as an international marketing professional. She brings her experience and curiosity to connect professionals to the right training to help further their goals. Rama has Masters degrees in both law and business. Originally from the New York area, Rama has lived in Stockholm, Sweden since 2010.
