Course description
Innovation and Problem Solving: a Culture of Creation
The very intention to innovate can stifle creativity. The instruction to, “solve this problem,” can trigger a kind of writer’s block -- paralysis by analysis -- that means no idea ever makes it all the way to implementation. The same problem persists for years. You’re blind to the changing world. Your competition sneaks up, and overtakes you. (Hello, Kodak, Yellow Pages, Yellow Cab.)
One very innovative company we worked with had been innovating steadily since it's inception, and then stopped innovating. What happened immediately before the innovation well ran dry? The CEO offered up to two cash prizes per year for the year's best innovations.
Perhaps counterintuitively, when you try to innovate -- and certainly when we offer prizes for innovation -- that shuts down creative thinking.
So you need to combination to unleash innovation that happens because the conditions are right.
This half-day session delivers 4 tools that work in concert to create a virtuous cycle of collaborative creation on your team. You’ll be an innovation and problem solving machine. And by celebrating the myriad micro-innovations you employ daily to improve your company, you’ll set the stage for truly ground-breaking solutions as well.
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Training content
Innovation isn’t something you do. It’s something that happens when the conditions are right. With these 4 tools/habits operating on your team, you will:
- Identify problems sooner so they don’t hurt so much
- Turn problems into opportunities so you gain a competitive advantage
- Identify novel and unique solutions so you stand apart from the competition to both your customers and to job seekers
- Eliminate waste so you’re more profitable
- See around corners so you’re not surprised
- Leap over incremental improvements to disrupt your market
- Have fun so you can… have fun!
Course delivery details
LIVE: In person or video conference
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TEAMIFICATION from The Yes Works
We work with world-class teams and their leaders to help them uncover and remedy the ways they unknowingly stifle their own potential, limit performance and profits, and hold each other back -- despite their best intentions. With tools, techniques, and...