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Values-Based Leadership | Values and Culture

Join Anthony Tormey, CEO of LDi, as he discusses creating a success-oriented culture grounded in values, with insights for both personal and organizational growth.

A group of people sitting around a table putting their hands in a hand stack

Anthony Tormey, founder of the Leader Development Institute with over 40 years of military and corporate training experience, explores values-based leadership and the critical role of organizational culture in achieving success. Learn how engaging employees in defining core values can foster a thriving, success-oriented environment.

When I wrote Your Personal Handbook for Success I emphasized rule number 10, the importance of "living by a set of rules". With that particular rule, as I wrote in my previous newsletter, I delved into the significance of values and character, highlighting their role in guiding our actions when faced with challenges and making decisions. 

Over the years, my focus has shifted toward exploring organizational values, culture, and character, leading me to some intriguing discoveries. Initially, I observed that despite many organizations professing to have "published" core values, a significant number are crafted solely by senior leadership.

While this isn't inherently good or bad, what if employees had an active part in defining these core values? Similar to other leadership principles, it revolves around engagement and ownership, as people are more likely to embrace something they have a stake in. Whether it involves a small team or a large workforce of 5,000, it's feasible, albeit perhaps more time-consuming than a smaller team – yet achievable with a well-thought-out plan and process. 

Additionally, I've come across instances where employees, including the leadership, are unaware of them or believe they are “applicable to them but not to me”. This poses a challenge. When discussing this with leaders, there is often a perception that core values are inherently known, ingrained, and common sense, requiring no reminders. However, the reality is different. 

Why is constant reinforcement necessary? People possess conflicting values, varying interpretations, and are frequently confronted with moral dilemmas, ranging from global issues to local challenges. Unfortunately, values are often compromised, necessitating regular reminders. 

For instance, numerous organizations cite "Respect" as a core value, yet inappropriate behaviors persist in the workplace from simply not respecting other co-workers' time, to exhibiting bad behavior during conflict. Even at home, parents may demand politeness from their children while exhibiting disrespectful behavior themselves. Gossip, rumors, and undermining behaviors are prevalent in the workplace. Therefore, having conversations and discussions about core values becomes crucial. 

In the upcoming newsletters and blog posts, I will delve into the creation of a success-oriented culture, both personally and organizationally, grounded in values-based leadership. I will explore various personal and organizational core values and encourage discussions around them. Perhaps, you might be prompted to share your organization's core values and explain their importance in the success of your team, department, organization, or company. Engaging in these conversations could extend to your family, fostering happiness and understanding. 

Look for this article on the Leader Development Institute’s Facebook and LinkedIn pages and share your thoughts, opinions, and comments. Feel free to discuss a core value, and its significance in your team's success, and maybe share a story that illustrates its impact. 

Be Extraordinary!


Anthony Tormey, CEO

Leader Development Institute (LDi)

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Successful people live by a set of closely followed rules and values, have you read LDi’s Rules for Success? These rules will help you hone in on the best success practices that benefit you in all areas of your life, personal and professional. You can find LDi’s Rules for Success HERE.

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Picture of Anthony Tormey

Anthony Tormey

Founder and Chief Training Officer, Leader Development Institute and Professional Training & Coaching Consultant (more)
Anthony Tormey, founder and Chief Training Officer of the Leader Development Institute, brings over 40 years of extensive experience in both military and corporate training. His 20-year military career as a Pararescueman and Air Battle Manager equipped him with skills in rock climbing, scuba diving, free-fall parachuting, long-term survival, emergency medicine, and airspace management. These experiences honed his leadership, adaptability, and strategic thinking, essential for effective project management and team collaboration in high-pressure situations. Certified as a Master Quality Instructor and licensed to facilitate the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Anthony has seamlessly transitioned his military expertise into the corporate world. His journey in training and development began with the Boy Scouts of America and continued through his military career, focusing on fostering leadership among young men, junior officers, and Airmen. This foundation laid the groundwork for his current role, where he balances operational responsibilities with mentorship, preparing others for leadership roles. Beyond his military accolades, Anthony is a seasoned speaker and motivator, conducting seminars and delivering speeches on Leadership, Management, Strategic Thinking, Project Management, Team-building, and Effective Communication both nationally and internationally. His dynamic approach to training and education is evident in every setting, whether it's a challenge course, stage, or boardroom. Anthony's goal is to train, educate, and inspire his audience through real-world experiences, role plays, and experiential learning, serving as a catalyst for organizational improvement and growth. Ready to transform your team and propel your organization to new heights? Connect with Anthony Tormey and the Leader Development Institute today to elevate your leadership, empower your teams, and embark on a journey of continuous improvement and success. Schedule a consultation or a Success Seminar today. (less)


Anthony Tormey, founder and Chief Training Officer of the Leader Development Institute, brings over 40 years of extensive experience in both military and corporate training. His 20-year military career as a Pararescueman and Air Battle Manager equipped him with skills in rock climbing, scuba diving, free-fall parachuting, long-term survival, emergency medicine, and airspace management. These experiences honed his leadership, adaptability, and strategic thinking, essential for effective project management and team collaboration in high-pressure situations. Certified as a Master Quality Instructor and licensed to facilitate the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Anthony has seamlessly transitioned his military expertise into the corporate world. His journey in training and development began with the Boy Scouts of America and continued through his military career, focusing on fostering leadership among young men, junior officers, and Airmen. This foundation laid the groundwork for his current role, where he balances operational responsibilities with mentorship, preparing others for leadership roles. Beyond his military accolades, Anthony is a seasoned speaker and motivator, conducting seminars and delivering speeches on Leadership, Management, Strategic Thinking, Project Management, Team-building, and Effective Communication both nationally and internationally. His dynamic approach to training and education is evident in every setting, whether it's a challenge course, stage, or boardroom. Anthony's goal is to train, educate, and inspire his audience through real-world experiences, role plays, and experiential learning, serving as a catalyst for organizational improvement and growth. Ready to transform your team and propel your organization to new heights? Connect with Anthony Tormey and the Leader Development Institute today to elevate your leadership, empower your teams, and embark on a journey of continuous improvement and success. Schedule a consultation or a Success Seminar today.
