Virtanza Career Pathways
Virtanza is an Online Program Management company that partners with Universities, Colleges and Employers to deliver ACE-accredited, high-impact, experiential sales training to a new generation of professionals to fill the hundreds of thousands of open sales positions. Highlights include:
ACE Credentialed Collection of Courses: sales tech bootcamp, sales readiness, sales management 1, sales management 2, sales learning assets for faculty
Pedagogy Not Found Elsewhere: Predictive Sales Assessment, Online Content, Interactive Instruction, Experiential Role Plays, Sales Prospecting Technology, and Employer-Sourced Practical Skill Training
Realize Substantial Efficiencies: transform traditional classrooms with high-quality, low-cost, online solution w/certified instructors, digital course materials, real-world case studies
Onboard and Implement with Zero Headache: licensing option, certified instructors, course admin, LMS integration, dynamic learning assets
Enrollment Marketing Drives Number: Google AdWords, social media, website mentions, press releases and informational webinars
Answer Student + Job Market Demand for Sales Tech Enabled Skills: expand enrollment and attract college students and adult learners with coursework that outperforms traditional courses and placement of graduates in middle income jobs and higher