Course description
Leverage and integrate Terraform with a mix of expert instruction and hands-on engineering.
The Hashicorp tool suite has found a distinct place in the DevOps community as a fantastic set of solutions for some of the most common DevOps tooling needs and automation use cases. This 2-day engagement focuses on Terraform as a solution for infrastructure management. Led by an expert, your teams will perform real work and establish guidelines for how to integrate and use Terraform for the use cases they need to adopt or progress.
Training content
This training engagement places an engineering expert who has extensive experience with Terraform into a workshop setting with your teams so you can learn how to apply Terraform in a real-world setting. Our engineers have assisted many large organizations as they improve their DevOps practice and they bring this experience to your teams. Working together, our experts will provide hands-on instruction as they assist your organization in effectively using Terraform for infrastructure needs.
In this 2-day class you’ll learn:
- Use Terraform for creating and managing infrastructure as code
- Maintain version control of infrastructure assets just as you do with software assets
- Effectively use Terraform with Docker and Kubernetes for DevOps-style workflows
- Develop and present a business case for Terraform and related tools
- Run Terraform with public cloud infrastructure such as Azure
- Integrate Terraform with other technologies in the workspace
- Utilize core features of Terraform
- Determine integration needs and plugin needs
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Velocity Knowledge
Velocity Knowledge is an Enterprise Education Provider made up of qualified educational professionals who have survived the budget cuts, lived through the training wars, adjusted to industry changes, and learned what it is that customers are looking for. Velocity Knowledge...