Transformation Systems, Inc.
Why do some people advance to the leading edge of performance, while others with similar experience and ability do not? After decades of applied research, TSI has discovered what separates superstars from the crowd.
High performers exhibit a mastery of four critical areas of life:
• Personal – expanding results through commitment, curiosity, and courage.
• Interpersonal – leveraging relationships through effectively connecting, communicating, and collaborating.
• Organizational – total systems thinkers who continuously integrate all elements of their environment, including people, processes, and products.
• Motivational – inspiring performance by engaging, elevating, and energizing others.
Individuals with these four types of mastery become superstars, and those who don’t tend to stall out without achieving their full potential.
TSI’s signature leadership development program, LEAP, or Leadership Effectiveness and Potential, is a framework to guide individuals within any organization to the leading edge of success. The LEAP program includes assessments, keynotes, workshops, training, mentoring, learning reinforcers such as the LEAP app, and ongoing consulting and transformation support.
Are you ready to take the leap?