Course participant reviews for The Vocal Awareness Institute
Average rating 5
Arthur Samuel Joseph’s Vocal Awareness® techniques continue to help enhance my vocal stature. The orderly step-by-step exercises give me usable tools to repeatedly groom in voic...
They always say that what comes out of your mouth is who you are. Well, Arthur is going to make it sound great and make it mean something.
If you are searching for the power within, through Vocal Awareness®, you can find the sound of your soul.
Arthur Samuel Joseph started as teacher of mine (many) years ago. Over these years, he has become a good friend whose teachings of Vocal Awareness® have been a constant in my life.
I was able to learn an incredible amount about my voice and about how to have a great impact with more pleasure and less pain.
Vocal Awareness – it’s a conscious spiritual connection between your Voice and your inner calling.
Arthur is the master of "making one's Self present like a champion". It really is groundbreaking and I have never seen a technique quite like it.
I can’t thank Arthur enough for all his magical wisdom. I truly believe his guidance and exercises helped me advance in my career much quicker. He truly made me a better broadca...
Arthur was able to teach me the effect of my voice on my ability to communicate. For example, if you make a pause here, if you allow a breath there, if you speak in a certain wa...