THE OYAT GROUP is a Woman-Owned Small Business committed to partnering with your organization to achieve organizational excellence. We specialize in organizational efficiency. What does OYAT stand for? If you notice, our tagline is, “We Specialize in Organizational Efficiency”. O = Organizational Efficiency, Y = Yields, A = Achievable, T = Targets. The word “efficiency” is a derivative of the word efficient, which means, performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort. The word “yields” means resulting in or to give a return. The word “achievable” means to bring to a successful end. The word “targets” mean goals. So if your organization is performing in the best possible manner, the return will be successfully meeting your targeted goals. THE OYAT GROUP helps organizations achieve organizational efficiency through organizational development consulting, training and development, coaching, and keynote presentations.