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Professional Course

How to Deliver Presentations with Ease and Confidence

Pryor Learning, Online
1 day
199 USD
Next course start
13 September, 2024 (+3 start dates)
Virtual Classroom
1 day
199 USD
Next course start
13 September, 2024 (+3 start dates)
Virtual Classroom
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Course description

Overcome your fear and nervousness and make powerful presentations!

You don't have to sit on the sidelines! Stand up and speak with confidence. How often have you admired and envied those who make presentations with such ease and confidence?

Do you find yourself wishing that you had the talent to motivate, persuade, and hold the attention of a group?

You can have it! Dynamic presenting and speaking abilities are not strictly for talented "naturals" — there are known, specific methods and strategies that you can learn and practice. This seminar will teach you the presentation skills and speaking techniques that will take you off the sidelines and have you standing up with confidence and skill!

Plus, this seminar presents you with special advantages not available in any other training course. The principle and practices taught are based on the experience of our top presenters and our 20+ years of actual practice and experience as the nation's best-known and admired seminar training company!

No matter how much you doubt your own speaking abilities, you will amaze yourself with these tips and techniques that will help you make effective presentations in any situation, from one-on-one discussions to speaking before large groups!

If you know how to talk, you can learn how to present and speak with power and confidence!

After just one day, you will greatly enhance and improve your effectiveness in every speaking situation — eliminating the anxiety, fear, embarrassment, and dread that you previously associated with giving talks, speeches, and presentations.

This seminar will give you an unparalleled opportunity to gain the experience and strategies of the experts. No matter how much you fear public speaking or doubt yourself or your abilities, this seminar — full of practical tips and techniques — can have you making comfortable, confident, and dynamic presentations and speeches.

You can survive and thrive in every speaking situation! This one-day seminar will teach you innovative tips, techniques, and strategies that empower you to stand up and speak with confidence and skill.

Upcoming start dates

Choose between 3 start dates

13 September, 2024

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online

18 September, 2024

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online

23 September, 2024

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online

Training content

  • Confidence-Builders
  • Preparation
  • Organization
  • Delivery
  • Visual Aids
  • Persuasion

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Pryor Learning

Pryor Learning

Founded more than 50 years ago when Fred Pryor pioneered the "one-day seminar", Pryor Learning has become one of the nation's leading corporate training providers, offering in-person and online training to millions of individuals and organizations — from small and...

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