Corporate / Group Training
5.0 (1 Reviews)

Leading with Integrity

MindSpring Consulting, Inc., Online (+1 locations)
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Course description

Leading with Integrity

Integrity is a highly coveted asset in individuals and organizations; it is one of those invisible dynamics that impacts outcomes in our personal and professional lives, often dramatically. Without integrity, an individual can not accomplish anything of value but with integrity, an individual can reach their highest potential. Organizational integrity is the same.

Rather than determining right and wrong, our definition of Integrity is the condition of being whole and complete, needing nothing from anyone else in order to be OK. It is the source of your personal power because when you lead from your true north, you will not compromise yourself.

The “Leading with Integrity” workshop examines 10 stages of integrity and natural results of each stage, providing clear descriptions and identifiable characteristics of each stage, as well as strategies for moving up the ladder into higher levels of responsibility, performance and organization innovation.

This workshop is available as a mini session, full-day session, or multi-day event, and can be customized to suit your needs. Please contact the provider for more information.

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  • On-site
  • United States of America

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  • Self-paced Online
  • Online

Who should attend?

This is an excellent workshop for any team wishing to strengthen group dynamics and experience peak performance. This content complements other content such as "Conflict Resolution and Healthy Communication" and can be coordinated with outdoor/experiential excursions as well.

Training content

Individual Benefits

  • Learn a concrete and practical model of integrity, including strategies for moving up the ladder.
  • Learn to predict and avoid the long term losses that follow a lack of integrity.
  • Eradicate “red zone, dead zone” behaviors and outcomes and enjoy the freedom and personal power of functioning at higher levels of integrity and accountability.
  • Reduce stress and increase well-being and peace in your personal and professional life.
  • Increase your visibility, value and influence through the art of functioning with integrity.

Organizational Benefits

  • A clearly defined plan to increase integrity throughout the organization.
  • Improved communication, motivation, commitment and accountability.
  • Minimize time wasted in conflict, grievances and damage control from a lack of integrity.
  • Improved performance individually and organizationally through an organizational value in functioning at higher levels and a commitment to the greater good.
  • Attract employees, leaders and clients who function at higher organizational levels of integrity and peak performance.

Skills that Matter

  • Eliminate destructive behaviors based on the premise of scarcity and fear.
  • Learn the difference between short term losses and long term gains.
  • Gain the ability to recognize behaviors rooted in lower levels of integrity and train others out of engaging in them.
  • Live out of mission and purpose and experience fulfillment and peace of mind.


Average rating 5

Based on 1 reviews.
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Christy R.
26 Sep 2017
More than just CEU's

I received so much more than “hours” for this class. I accepted a new way to look at things not only as a leader, but also in my personal life. It was safe and caring yet allowe...

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MindSpring Consulting, Inc.
966 Tunnel Road
28805 Asheville North Carolina

MindSpring Consulting, Inc.

As learning and teaching experts, MindSpring has served clients around the world since 1999. Our mission is to provide individuals and the organizations they serve with exceptional quality training and development that leads to sustainable change. Our goal is to...

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