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Fundamentals of Debt Collections Law

1 hour
149 USD
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1 hour
149 USD
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Course description

Fundamentals of Debt Collections Law

Gain the knowledge you need to navigate the dangers of collecting consumer debts and reduce the risk of harmful lawsuits.

Learn how to stay compliant when dealing with debt collection laws. With both the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and very active consumer protection plaintiffs lawyers looking for money, thirdparty debt collectors and especially collection lawyers are consistent and open targets for claims debt collection abuses and noncompliance issues. Even nominal violations of the FDCPA or TCPA can lead to class action litigation and expose debt collectors to large damages. This course will provide you with the knowledge you need to navigate the dangers of collecting consumer debts and provide you with collection techniques and strategies to reduce the risk of frivolous or harmful lawsuits.

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Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Self-paced Online
  • Online

Who should attend?

This live webinar is designed for credit and collection managers, attorneys, lending professionals, presidents, vice presidents, branch managers, directors, controllers, and accountants.

Training content

The Alphabet Soup of Debt Collection Statutes: FDCPA, FCRA, and TCPA

  • Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
  • Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)

Defining Debt Collection Harassment and Deceptive Practices

  • Frequency of Telephone Contacts Under Section 1692d(5)
  • False and Misleading Representations in Letters and Talk-Offs
  • Compliance and Strategy Approaches to Litigation

How to Communicate With Consumers (Written, Telephonic, and Electronic)

  • Mandatory Disclosures
  • Auto-Dialers
  • Correct and Compliant Correspondence
  • Texting, Emails, and Social Media

Meaningful Involvement of Lawyers in Collection Litigation

  • Review of CFPB Enforcements Actions Against Collection Lawyers

Defending FDCPA and TCPA Litigation

  • Documentation and Use of Bona Fide Error Defense
  • Prior Express Consent Defense
  • Mitigation of Liability and Damages
  • Settlements and Offers of Judgement

Certification / Credits

Credits: CLE ,CPE

Learning Objectives

  • You will be able to define debt collection harassment and deceptive practices.
  • You will be able to describe how to communicate with consumers.
  • You will be able to identify several debt collection statutes, including the FDCPA, FCRA, and TCPA.
  • You will be able to explain best practices when defending FDCPA and TCPA litigation.

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Lorman Education Services
Lorman Education Services
2510 Alpine Road
54702 Eau Claire Wisconsin

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Lorman Education Services is a leading provider of online professional development and corporate training for organizations and individual professionals. For more than 30 years, Lorman has delivered relevant, high-quality, professional-level courses that cover a broad range of business and technical...

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