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Finding and Extracting Data From Smartphones and the Cloud: Processes and Best Practices

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199 USD
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1 day
199 USD
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Course description

Finding and Extracting Data From Smartphones and the Cloud: Processes and Best Practices

Learn about the sources of ESI and how to properly identify, preserve, collect, and process information.

Many legal professionals, including lawyers, paralegals, and legal support professionals, often do not understand that best practices and sound, defensible processes required to identify, collect, and process electronically stored information (ES) that is relevant to a legal matter. In this topic, you will learn about modern sources of ESI and how to properly identify, preserve, collect, and process information that may be relevant and material to your case. The material will also explain the consequences for failure to develop best practices; and processes for handling ESI.

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  • Webinar
  • Online

Who should attend?

  • This webinar is designed for
  • paralegals
  • legal assistants
  • associates and other legal professionals.

Training content

Identifying and Preserving Relevant Data

  • Duty to Preserve ESI
  • Identifying Sources of ESI
  • Consequences for Failure to Preserve ESI

Collecting Data From Smartphones and the Cloud

  • Developing a Reasonable Collection Strategy
  • Methods for Collecting ESI From Smartphones and the Cloud
  • Validating a Collection Methodology

Extracting Data for Use in Legal Matters

  • Data That Is Available From Smartphones and the Cloud
  • Developing a Plan for Processing Data
  • Filtering Data to Find What Is Needed

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Lorman Education Services
Lorman Education Services
2510 Alpine Road
54702 Eau Claire Wisconsin

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Lorman Education Services is a leading provider of online professional development and corporate training for organizations and individual professionals. For more than 30 years, Lorman has delivered relevant, high-quality, professional-level courses that cover a broad range of business and technical...

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