LearnLocker provides a
uniquely licensed online learning subscription. LearnLocker's library of
training includes courses for PC users that cover topics on Microsoft
Office and Windows. Their courses for IT Professionals teach
networking, security and even prepare for many Microsoft certifications.
Their courses for Programmers and Web Developers cover topics like
Java, HTML, CSS and more. There are also courses for Business
Professionals that focus on personal skills like time management and
decision making. LearnLocker's library contains thousands of training
lessons that can be viewed independently or as part of instructionally
designed course paths.
LearnLocker's membership subscriptions offer two free Share Accounts
with every paid subscriber account. It's unique as the shared accounts
are controlled by the subscriber and can be given and retracted as often
as they want, during the subscription period.
LearnLocker is an online provider of subscription based eLearning and
eLearning Management. LearnLocker's eLearning courses have been viewed
by over 100,000 individuals and over 5,000 businesses worldwide.