Course participant reviews for Working With You is Killing Me - Dealing With Difficult People
Average rating 4.9
My biggest take away from todays seminar was the value and benefit in being reflective and planning for how to react or engage in the future with individuals I 'percieve' to be ...
Learning how key words and phrases can make a significant difference in interacting with "difficult people"
The exercises and role playes were instrumental in me understanding how to intersct with "Difficult People".
I really enjoyed the S+(TxE)R=O model and the emphasis on taking time to be introspective and reflect in order to be better prepared to deal with, "difficult people".
I found the "Things to say" discussion valuable and will add them to my vocabulary.
Anthony's presentation on, "The Language of the mind" is so insightful and how thought influences emotions, and emotions drive behavior.
Helpful in learning how to best address people when we are triggered.
Taking away how to react in difficult situations and walking through options on handling situations and how we influence all of it was so helpful
This seminar truly gave me great advice and great strategies on how to handle difficult people and verbal assault
There's impact with and on personalities. I learned so much on how to understand co-workers and how to react or not react during this seminar. Great course!
Most important take away from this course was DON'T TAKE THE BAIT! And the ways to NOT take the bait and how to handle different situations. This was eye opening and an extremel...
If I can change the way I think, I can influence how I feel. If I change how I feel, I will change the way I act. Powerful!