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Professional Course

SDG: Moving Towards Sustainable Work

edX, Online
5 weeks
129 USD
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Self-paced Online
5 weeks
129 USD
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Course description

SDG: Moving Towards Sustainable Work

The United Nations' Sustainable Development 2030 Agenda gives us the opportunity to change and improve the lives of millions of people. These widespread efforts won't juststem from organizations in the formal public or private sectors (governments, corporations, trade unions, etc.) but will also require participation from ordinary people and civil society as a whole.

In this course, we'll immerse you in the UN's SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) to help make these initiatives a reality at companies. The focus will be put especially on SDG 1 (End Poverty), SDG 3 (Health and wellness), SDG 5 (Gender equality), SDG 8 (Decent work and Economic growth), and SDG 10 (Reduce inequalities).

Today, companies are considered key players to achieve development, essential partners (according to the UN Global Compact initiative). In this framework, enterprises and companies are called upon to create employment and to ensure rights at theirworkplaces in order to increase competitiveness and productivity.

Employment, social protection, social dialogue, and social rights are the four pillars of "decent work" as defined by the International Labour Organization; together with gender equality as an over-arching issue. Decent work also faces new challenges such as Digital Economy and robotization at work.

Bringing people into decent work means economic growth and the increment of available resources and incomes to protect those who are unemployed or unable to work.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Self-paced Online
  • Online
  • English

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Training content

Week 1: New challenges for Decent work (I). Digital Economy.

Do you know what is the Digital Economy? We will discuss the role of platforms and the importance of sharing economy in the digital age. We will analyze the impact on the employment conditions and we will try to map the main social risks.

Week 2: New challenges for Decent work (II). The impact of robot revolution on employment.

What do you know about the impact of robotization on workforce? We will review the trends in achieving a legal status for robots and their influence on employee's rights, as well as the challenges in a new landscape of labour relations.

Week 3: Diversity management.

Managing diversity is certainly a challenge in the digital age. We will analyze the fundamental rights at workplace, the critical issues related to sensitive collectives and the importance of empowering women.

Week 4: Decent work and protection against poverty.

Poverty, sustainable growth, decent work and sensitive groups will be discussed keeping in mind multiperspectivity.

Week 5: New forms of work, well-being, and work health.

New challenges in sustainable work need new frameworks on occupational health and well-being for e-workers, freelancers, self-employed and entrepreneurs.

Course delivery details

This course is offered through Carlos III University of Madrid, a partner institute of EdX.

2-3 hours per week


  • Verified Track -$129
  • Audit Track - Free

Certification / Credits

What you'll learn

  • Concepts and initiatives behind the UN's SDG (Sustainable Development Goals)
  • How to build decent and sustainable work
  • Deep familiarity with SDG numbers 1 (End poverty), 3 (Health and wellness), 5 (Gender equality), 8 (Economic growth), and 10 (reduce inequalities) in the context of sustainable work and the digital revolution

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