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Professional Course

Relationship Marketing Strategy for Financial Services

edX, Online
6 weeks
99 USD
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6 weeks
99 USD
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Course description

Relationship Marketing Strategy for Financial Services

Marketing now is less about the Product or Service and more about the value it creates for the Customers. Ergo, it is imperative for Financial Services’ professionals to move from transaction management to relationship management and create meaningful relationships with the sole objective of enhancing customer value.

Relationship marketing is a long-term marketing strategy, for building personalized relationships with customers. The aim is to achieve customer loyalty and trust by providing an improved financial experience based on a complete understanding of the customer.

This course deals with creating and nurturing relationship marketing strategies in the financial services industry, to foster enhanced customer engagement and add more value to the relationship. The course aims to create a mindset of an “open and nurturing relationship”.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Self-paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Who should attend?


Familiarity with basic concepts of Service Marketing and Customer Service.

Training content

  • “Relationship Marketing – The Realm & the Fundamentals”
  • “The Principle of Positive Relationship & Relationship Management Process”
  • “Managing Customer Defection. Implementing a Customer Reactivation Strategy to rekindle lost relationship”
  • “Customer Loyalty Stages & Loyalty Action Plan. Becoming a Loyalty Leader – A profitable aspect of Relationship Marketing”
  • “Creating a Customer-Centric Relationship Blueprint. Building and managing Customer Relationships”
  • “Relationship Management Best Practices. Achieving Service Excellence via Relationship Marketing”

Course delivery details

This course is offered through State Bank of India, a partner institute of EdX.

1-3 hours per week


  • Verified Track -$99
  • Audit Track - Free

Certification / Credits

What you'll learn

  • The meaning and significance of Relationship Marketing
  • Adding value to the relationship through Customer Journey, Moments of Truth & Customer Value Proposition
  • Creating and leveraging a positive relationship
  • Effective Relationship Marketing Strategy for achieving the desired Customer Lifetime Value
  • Why do Customers leave? Managing the negative relationship
  • Significance of Loyalty & Trust for a sustainable customer relationship
  • Rekindling the lost relationship and implementing a Customer Reactivation Strategy
  • Best Practices in Relationship Marketing
  • Service Excellence via Relationship Marketing

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