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Professional Course

Managing Happiness

edX, Online
6 weeks
149 USD
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Self-paced Online
6 weeks
149 USD
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Self-paced Online
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Course description

Managing Happiness

This is a class that answers these questions and shows you how you can use the answers to build a happier life. It introduces you to the modern science of human well-being and shows you how to practice it. Unlike other happiness courses, Managing Happiness goes a step further and demonstrates how you can share the ideas with others, thus bringing more happiness and love to the world and supercharging your own well-being efforts. ****

Led by Harvard professor, author, social scientist, and former classical musician Arthur Brooks, this course will introduce cutting-edge survey tools, the best research, and trends in social science, positive psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy to help learners unlock the strategies to create a more purposeful life, full of long-lasting enjoyment and satisfaction. Managing Happiness uses philosophical and technical insights to challenge your assumptions about happiness — helping you break bad habits that hold you back and build good ones you can use for the rest of your life. ****

Happiness is a core competency for those that want to be in charge of their lives — both personally and professionally. The concepts learned in this course will lead to enduring improvements and lifelong learning. At the end of the course, you will take away key concepts and actionable insights to apply to your daily routines. People around you will notice the difference.

Start getting happier today, with Managing Happiness.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Self-paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Who should attend?



Course delivery details

This course is offered through Harvard University, a partner institute of EdX.

2-3 hours per week


  • Verified Track -$99
  • Audit Track - Free

Certification / Credits

What you'll learn

  • Explore diverse definitions of happiness and understand its function in everyday life
  • Learn how genetic, social, and economic influences impact your happiness
  • Apply the science of the mind, body, psychology, and community to manage emotions and behaviors for greater happiness
  • Develop a happiness portfolio focused on your deepest goals and desires
  • Recognize how success and achievement impact short versus long-term happiness
  • Write your ending — build happiness strategies for your work and life at any age or stage

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