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Professional Course

Leverage - Aging Effectively at Work

edX, Online
5 weeks
149 USD
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Self-paced Online
5 weeks
149 USD
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Self-paced Online
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Course description

Leverage - Aging Effectively at Work

Medical advances have added years to our lives, and most professionals are opting for late retirement these days. Baby boomers, Gen X, among many others, need special focus to enhance their continuing careers and sustain effectiveness.

From a Business perspective, companies also need to get ready for longer tenures and a larger population of mature professionals. Especially since the expertise and experience capital can be a great asset, when handled well.

Against this backdrop, the course aids in understanding aging issues in the context of workplace effectiveness. It helps experienced professionals to take cognizance of the need for critical reexamination. The course equips the learner with a detailed thought process to optimize effectiveness at work for individual and organizational payoffs.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Self-paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Who should attend?


  • Age bracket of above 40 years
  • Keenness to extend productive work-life

Training content

  • Realigning Professional trajectory with advancing age
  • Professional compass and mapping of core values at work
  • Ikigai and significance of a Career sweet spot
  • Personal Purpose Statement
  • Passion at work – The Drive behind why do you do what you do
  • Mission Statement and Mission Narrative
  • OKRs - objectives, key results and initiatives
  • Upskilling – Staying current and relevant
  • Emotional Maturity to sustain Personal Capital
  • Enhancing Career Longevity through Fitness
  • Quo Vadis – Marching ahead to the future of work
  • Prepping to Retire in style
  • Feed Forward - Action Grid for moving to action

Course delivery details

This course is offered through State Bank of India, a partner institute of EdX.

8-10 hours per week


  • Verified Track -$149
  • Audit Track - Free

Certification / Credits

What you'll learn

  • .Ask fundamental questions to realign your Professional compass for better results
  • Understand and appreciate the concept of Ikigai for your work
  • Redefine your Personal Purpose Statement with a status check on Core values
  • Write your Mission Narrative and rediscover your Passion
  • Enhance Career longevity andworkplaceeffectiveness with OKRs
  • Leverage aging through upskilling for the Future of work
  • Extend the habit of Reflection for Career growth

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