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Professional Course

IoT Sensors and Devices

edX, Online
5 weeks
199 USD
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Self-paced Online
5 weeks
199 USD
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Self-paced Online
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Course description

IoT Sensors and Devices

The Internet of Things (IoT) is expanding at a rapid rate, and it is becoming increasingly important for professionals to understand what it is, how it works, and how to harness its power to improve your business.

This course is for practical learners who want to explore and interact with the IoT bridge between the cyber- and physical worlds, in order to create efficiencies or solve business problems.

In this course, you will learn about the ‘things’ that get connected in the Internet of Things to sense and interact with the real world environment – from something as simple as a smoke detector to a robotic arm in manufacturing. If we consider the IoT as giving the internet the ability to feel and respond, this course is about the devices that feel and the devices that respond.

We will look at IoT sensors, actuators and intermediary devices that connect things to the internet, as well as electronics and systems, both of which underpin how the Internet of Things works and what it is designed to do.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Self-paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Who should attend?



Training content

  • Identify the sensors and other devices needed for different IoT solutions
  • Basic electronic design as applied to IoT sensors and embedded controllers
  • Understand and map out an IoT system incorporating specific devices

Course delivery details

This course is offered through Curtin University, a partner institute of EdX.

4-6 hours per week


  • Verified Track -$199
  • Audit Track - Free

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141 Portland Street
02139 Cambridge Massachusetts


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