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Professional Course

Introduction to Cloud Foundry

edX, Online
7 weeks
149 USD
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Self-paced Online
7 weeks
149 USD
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Self-paced Online
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Course description

Introduction to Cloud Foundry

Deploying and managing applications securely and efficiently is critical in today's technology organizations. As a result, organizations are turning to Kubernetes to run their workloads, only to find massive complexity associated with the platform. Cloud Foundry is a modern development platform designed to deliver cloud-native applications to any infrastructure, including Kubernetes.

This course explains what Cloud Foundry is and why it should be used. The course starts by highlighting the main use cases for the Cloud Foundry platform, and then discusses the relationship between Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes before providing an immersive, hands-on experience that can be completed by anyone. The course also explores the features and capabilities of Cloud Foundry, highlighting the impact from three perspectives: developers, operations, and security and compliance teams.

While aimed at a technical audience, this course is also widely applicable to non-technical audiences. It is not necessary to be a developer or operator to complete this course. The hands-on portion does not require any special skills, software installs, or environments, as it is designed for a broad range of backgrounds.

This course prepares you to make informed decisions regarding development platform selection and use in custom software organizations. It helps you understand the needs of custom software organizations from the standpoint of developers, operators, and security and compliance teams. In addition, this course highlights the challenges of developing and operating custom software applications throughout their lifecycle, and offers a perspective on what this process can look like for teams that select the right platform.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Self-paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Who should attend?


There are no prerequisites or system requirements beyond a web browser.

Training content

  • Introduction to Cloud Foundry
  • Developer Concerns
  • About the project
  • Final Exam

Course delivery details

This course is offered through The Linux Foundation, a partner institute of EdX.

1-2 hours per week


  • Verified Track -$149
  • Audit Track - Free

Certification / Credits

What you'll learn

  • The capabilities of the Cloud Foundry platform and the value it brings to custom software development teams
  • The security and compliance implications of using a developer-focused platform like Cloud Foundry
  • The difference between Cloud Foundry and infrastructure platforms like Kubernetes
  • The open source model that governs the Cloud Foundry project

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