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Graph Algorithms in Genome Sequencing

edX, Online
3 weeks
150 USD
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3 weeks
150 USD
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Course description

Graph Algorithms in Genome Sequencing

In this course, part of the Algorithms and Data Structures MicroMasters program, you will learn how graph algorithms are used in two fundamental problems in modern biology:

  • How do we sequence a genome?
  • How do we construct an evolutionary “Tree of Life?"

In the first part of the course, you will learn how genome sequencing relies on using a graph to assemble millions of tiny DNA fragments into a contiguous genome. We will then shift gears and learn how to construct an evolutionary tree of life from genome data.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

Start anytime

  • Self-paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Who should attend?


Basic knowledge of:

  • at least one programming language: loops, arrays, stacks, recursion.
  • mathematics: proof by induction, proof by contradiction.

Training content

Week 1: Introduction to Genome Sequencing and Graphs

Introduction to the basics of genome sequencing, and first attempts to model this problem using graphs.

Weeks 2 and 3: Assembling Genomes from Tiny Fragments

Applying an Eulerian path approach to assemble a genome from small pieces of DNA, and adapting this theoretical solution to practical considerations.

Course delivery details

This course is offered through The University of California, San Diego, a partner institute of EdX.

8-10 hours per week


  • Verified Track -$150
  • Audit Track - Free

Certification / Credits

What you'll learn

  • Graph algorithms
  • Algorithms for genome assembly
  • Phylogenetics

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