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Professional Course

Framing Your Communication to Inspire and Convince

edX, Online
5 weeks
149 USD
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Self-paced Online
5 weeks
149 USD
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Self-paced Online
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Course description

Framing Your Communication to Inspire and Convince

In order to be effective, leaders need a high tolerance of complexity. Beyond this, they need to inform their people and the outside world of their strategies, policies and decisions. Effective leaders are often inspiring communicators - their own high tolerance of complexity helps them reduce this complexity to a concise and powerful message. This course introduces the sensemaking mindset.

Your sensemaking mindset is of critical importance in motivating others to follow and support you. Your communication ability to inspire and convince is largely dependent on the way you frame your message, and on your skills at playing the game of framing and reframing. You will learn from a large variety of (video) cases and analyze a large number of situations where leaders' communication and sensemaking skills are tested and probed.

The course is designed so that you are introduced to communication by reviewing public figures and politicians to bring awareness to communication techniques. Then you will see the same techniques being utilized with public figures in the engineering field. This enables you to visualize how to best utilize these communication techniques in your career successfully.

Upon completion of this course you will be introduced to the sensemaking mindset, and will have learned how to use framing essentials, debating methods and pitching methods, in order to frame your communicationto your team and supervisor. This will ensure that you are equipped to build winning coalitions in your own organization.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Self-paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Who should attend?


The course is designed for individuals who are in a leadership positions or preparing for such positions in the future. Few years' experience in an organizational setting will be an advantage, but is not a requirement.

Training content

Pitching methods

  1. Inclusive and exclusive pitching
  2. Inclusive and exclusive pitching

Framing essentials

  1. The main characteristics of framing
  2. The impact of framing
  3. Apply on global warming

Debating methods

  1. Framing models for debating
  2. Victims, Villains and Heroes
  3. The 3P model - Policy, Principles and Personality
  4. Apply on overhead power lines
  5. Application of debating methods
  6. Leadership in practice: Managers about the communicative mindset

Creating a dilemma: convincing stakeholders

  1. Sharing and transcending a dilemma
  2. Political oxymorons
  3. Creating a monopoly of emotion
  4. Application of creating a dilemma

Apply to your Situation and Next Steps

  1. Leadership in practice:
  2. Managers about the communicative mindset
  3. Framing your communication

Course delivery details

This course is offered through The Georgia Institute of Technology, a partner institute of EdX.

4-5 hours per week


  • Verified Track -$149
  • Audit Track - Free

Certification / Credits

What you'll learn

  • How to apply a sensemaking mindset to derive a concise message from a complex situation
  • How to use pitching methods, debating methods, and framing and reframing effectively to achieve your goals
  • How to frame your ideas and plans to gain support from senior management and your teams

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