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Professional Course

Budgeting and Finance for Public Libraries

edX, Online
4 weeks
49 USD
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Self-paced Online
4 weeks
49 USD
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Self-paced Online
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Course description

Budgeting and Finance for Public Libraries

Money isn’t generally the first topic that comes to mind when thinking about libraries, however it is a critical resource that touches every aspect of the organization. Whether you are an aspiring manager or a library director, it is important that your organization’s finances are aligned with your service goals and priorities.

This course, part of the Public Library Management Professional Certificate program, will help you understand how to build a budget, read financial reports, and plan for the long-term sustainability of your library.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

Start anytime

  • Self-paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Who should attend?


Basic familiarity with and access to a spreadsheet application (Excel or equivalent)

Training content

  1. Introduction
  2. Starting with a Piece of the Budget
  3. Expenditures
  4. Forecasting Expenditures
  5. Revenues
  6. Building the Budget
  7. Financial Management, Auditing, and Control
  8. Planning for the Future

Course delivery details

This course is offered through The University of Michigan, a partner institute of EdX.

2-3 hours per week


  • Verified Track -$49
  • Audit Track - Free

Certification / Credits

What you'll learn

  • Budgeting and financial concepts and terms as they apply to public libraries
  • How to analyze financial reports
  • The decision making and strategies that go into creating a budget
  • Best practices in establishing financial controls and procedures
  • How today’s financial decisions can impact future sustainability of your organization
  • How to develop a financial forecast

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