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Full Stack Web Developer Masters Program

edureka!, Online
200 hours
999 USD
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200 hours
999 USD
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Course description

Courses from Edureka

Full Stack Web Developer Masters Program

Full Stack Web Development Masters Program makes you proficient in skills to work with back-end and front-end web technologies. It includes training on Web Development, jQuery, Angular, NodeJS, ExpressJS and MongoDB. The curriculum has been determined by extensive research on 5000+ job descriptions across the globe.

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  • Webinar
  • Online
  • English

Who should attend?

There are no prerequisites for enrollment to the Masters Program. Whether you are an experienced professional working in the IT industry, or an aspirant planning to enter the world of full stack web development, Masters Program is designed and developed to accommodate various professional backgrounds

Training content

Our commitment to equip you with a 360-degree understanding of front-end and back-end web development means we cover a broad array of topics to ensure you become an expert full stack developer.

Topics covered but not limited to will be : HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Ajax, Google APIs, jQuery Forms, jQuery Events, jQuery Plugins, jQuery Mobile, SPA, DOM Manipulation, REST API, Async Libraries, Angular-CLI, MVC Framework, ExpressJS, EJS Template, Jade, Handlebars, NoSQL, Socket.IO, Hapi, MongoDB Architecture, CRUD, Schema Design, Data Modelling, Indexing etc.

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