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Who Needs Banking and Financial Services Training?

Many banking training courses are intended for professionals already working within the banking industry. However, top banking training is also available for individuals who are looking to get into this industry or professionals in other fields who need to learn skills related to banking. For example, someone working as an auditor may have a need to learn how to perform audits of banks. Software developers may also be interested in a banking-related course that will teach them to build secure software that can be used for banking.

Browse the list of the best banking training courses above and check the course information to find out which group of individuals each course is intended for.

Types of Banking Training

Banking is a wide area, and as a result, so are the types of training available within the topic. Filter your search by location if you are looking for a classroom course or seminar. If you are more interested in flexible, online training or in-house training for employees, you can filter the above courses by format. Consider also, the type of bank that you want the training to be relevant for. Some common types of banking training are:

Investment Banking Training

Investment banking is a form of banking specifically catered to creating capital for businesses and corporations. They also underwrite debt and equity securities for these institutions. Unlike retail and commercial banking, investment banks do not accept deposits.

If you want to have a career in investment banking in the United States, you must be a licensed broker-dealer and abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission). Browse top banking training courses above to start your career in investment banking or increase your skills in this profession.

Retail Banking Training

The term retail banking came about after the passing of the Glass-Steagall Act (GSA) of 1933. This Act was a result of the 1929 stock market crash and the resulting Great Depression. It officially separated investment banking from commercial banking activities.

Retail banking is a form of banking where the financial transactions are executed directly with a customer instead of through a third party, such as another bank or a financial corporation. When most people think of banks, retail banking institutions come to mind  as they are the face of banking to the general public. Find the best training courses within retail banking and explore new skills or develop your existing retail banking skills!

Internet Banking Training

As everything becomes more mobile, so does banking. Due to this, all banks must now have an online portal for customers to view their account details and make transactions among many other options.

Though there are many positives to online banking, many threats also exist. Because it is online, hackers often try to penetrate any vulnerabilities within online banking systems and either deplete accounts entirely or make fraudulent transactions to their own online accounts. Take an IT security training course in order to get your company up to speed.

Frequently asked questions

  • Banking and financial services training is beneficial for professionals working in or aiming to enter the industry, including bankers, financial advisors, analysts, risk managers, and compliance officers. It's also valuable for individuals seeking a better understanding of personal finance and investments.

  • Banking courses are suitable for industry professionals, students pursuing finance-related degrees, and individuals interested in enhancing their knowledge of banking concepts, regulations, and best practices. Entrepreneurs and small business owners can also benefit from a deeper understanding of banking and finance.

  • Types of financial services training include:

    • Banking operations and regulations
    • Risk management and compliance
    • Financial analysis and reporting
    • Investment management and portfolio analysis
    • Personal finance and wealth management
    • Financial planning and advisory services
    • Insurance and retirement planning
    • Financial technology and digital banking
    • Industry-specific certifications and licensing courses
  • You can expect career opportunities in fields such as retail banking, corporate banking, investment management, financial planning, risk management, and compliance (depending in your course of choice). You'll have gained in-depth knowledge of industry practices, frameworks, and analytical skills, making you a competitive candidate and enabling you to excel in your chosen financial services role.

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