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Facilitation Articles

More About Facilitation

Facilitation is a subtle art. It is not enough to be able to hold and effective and engaging presentation. The job of a facilitator is to encourage participants in their meeting or course to engage one another in productive conversations. Effective facilitators know how to encourage this knowledge, experience, and idea-sharing between others. They also know how to change the subject when things get unproductive or even heated.

If you think this role sounds challenging, you are right. Few are born with the ability to facilitate. Luckily, a range of facilitation training courses from a number of different providers are listed above. Find out more about each course on the description page and then request information to get in touch with the provider.

Facilitation Training for Meeting Facilitators

Within the business world, facilitators work before, during, and after meetings to ensure that objectives are set and reached. If you have ever been to a meeting with an unclear objective and lack of a useful outcome then you already understand why having a facilitator is so important.

During facilitation training, you will learn the specifics of your role as a facilitator before and during the meeting. Some of the most important parts of this role include:

  • Determine what the meeting's outcome should be and who needs to attend
  • Create a schedule for the meeting and brief participants
  • Ensure that all participants stick to the meeting agenda
  • Encourage participation from all attendees and create an environment where all feel safe and comfortable
  • Help participants understand points of view different from their own
  • Record the outcome and note issues that may require additional meetings

Facilitation Training for Course Facilitators

A course facilitator is more than a lecturer. Today, most trainers have come around to the fact that many participants learn best when their course includes a blend of training methods that includes group discussion and collaboration. Not only does this allow participants to share their ideas and experience, but it has been proven that people learn more when they are engaged and actively involved. The key roles of a course facilitator is not so different from that of a meeting facilitator in many ways, it just placed the focus on reaching learning objectives.

Facilitation training for course facilitators will often include training in the necessary facilitation techniques and is often focused on facilitation for specific types of courses. For example, facilitating a virtual course can be quite different from facilitating a course in person. During virtual facilitation training courses, participants will learn about the specific techniques for this type of facilitation as well as the technologies that they may need to learn how to use.