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  • = Beginner level
  • = Intermediate level
Displaying 41-60 of 233 results

Frequently asked questions

  • In data management, you learn about the processes and techniques used to collect, store, organize, maintain, and secure data. Topics include data governance, data quality, data integration, data architecture, data modeling, data warehousing, and database administration. You'll also gain exposure to various technologies used for data management, such as SQL, NoSQL, and cloud-based platforms.

    1. Understanding of data management principles and best practices
    2. Familiarity with data governance and compliance regulations
    3. Proficiency in database systems (e.g., SQL, NoSQL)
    4. Data modeling and architecture design
    5. Data integration and transformation techniques
    6. Data quality management and validation
    7. Data security and privacy measures
    8. Knowledge of data warehousing and analytics tools
  • Database management training focuses on the design, implementation, and administration of database systems. It covers topics such as database design, data modeling, SQL query language, database optimization, and security. Training may also include hands-on experience with popular systems like MySQL, Oracle, or SQL Server, and introduce NoSQL databases and cloud-based database solutions.

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