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Cisco Training: Learn the Skills That are In-Demand

Cisco has been a market leader in producing networking equipment and software on the enterprise level since they were founded in the 80's. This means that a large percentage of companies operating today are using Cisco technology.

If you are working in IT, then you will not regret having some Cisco knowledge. For many in the industry, these skills are absolutely essential on the job. Luckily, Cisco training is widely available across North America to suit the needs of IT professionals at any level.

Browse the Cisco courses above using filters for location, format, rating, and more to ensure that you find the course that is right for you. When you find a course or two that seem suitable, request information to get directly in touch with the provider to learn more or sign up.

What Type of Cisco Training is Right for You?

Cisco offers a broad range of products, and Cisco training courses may focus on anything from one version of one product all the way to a general overview of their routers and switches. Because of this, you should have an idea of what you want to learn before you even start looking for courses.

If you're goal in taking a Cisco training course is build your general IT skills rather than learn something specific, you should look into a more general course - maybe even into one that will prepare you for a Cisco certification.

Cisco Certification Training

In the wide world of IT certification, those developed by Cisco are some of the most highly-regarded. This is both because Cisco is a respected company, but also because these certifications are not easy to learn. When a potential employer sees a Cisco certification on a resume, they know that the candidate has some real skills.

Though Cisco certifications have no training requirement, the difficulty level of the exams means that many IT professionals looking to earn them choose to attend Cisco certification training courses in order to better familiarize themselves with the content and learn how the tests are set up. Some providers even offer to pay for your second attempt if you don't pass the first time.

Cisco certifications are available focused security, cloud, IoT, routing and switching, wireless, and much more. In addition, most of these topics have up to four levels that professionals can be certified in. These are entry, associate, professional, and expert-level.

Cisco Training: Choose Your Format

After you know what type of Cisco training you are looking for, it's time to decide how you want to take it! Cisco courses are available on-site, online, and in classrooms across North America.

Because Cisco courses are most commonly attended by individuals - either by their own initiative or at the request of their employer - most attendees are more interested in online or in-person workshops. However, on-site training is a viable option for companies who want to train several employees at once.

Because some Cisco course topics are very hands-on, some people find the material to grasp in person, where they can be shown things and ask questions in real-time. However, online training can also be extremely effective, and today's advanced course development methods allow participants to practice the hands-on aspects digitally during most online Cisco courses.

Related Training Areas

If you didn't find the right course here, then you might be interested in one of following areas of IT training: