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How Can I Use Generative AI for Sales Prospecting?

Curious about AI in your sales activities, but don’t know where to start? Learn practical tips for using Chat GPT and amp up your sales prospecting.

outlines of two people shaking hands against a techy blue background

Perhaps you’ve been busy selling or simply living under a rock, but generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) has been not-so-quietly infiltrating your world.  

Expectations for AI’s impact is enormous. The AI market is expected to hit $407 billion in the next five years. Reflecting this trend, McKinsey found AI adoption in organizations surging to 72% this year after hovering at around 50% for the past 6 years. Notably, marketing and sales are seeing the most significant increase in AI use with reported adoption more than doubling. 

According to our own findcourses 2024 Course Trends and Skills report, there’s been a staggering 550% increase in AI course searches on our platform. 

As someone in sales, you know that sales teams can be cautious when it comes to adopting new technology. However, generative AI in sales could be a gamechanger in freeing up your time from administrative tasks and routine client interactions.... speeding up your sales cycle. 

Most importantly for this article, generative AI can revolutionize your sales prospecting by identifying and prioritizing high-potential leads with precision and speed. Read on to discover how. 

What is Generative AI? 

First, let’s clarify the techno-speak. Generative AI creates new content, such as text or images, by learning patterns from existing data.  

The most well-known generative AI tool OpenAI’s ChatGPT which has gained widespread attention since its release to the masses in 2023, generating over 1 million users within its first five days. It can generate text-based content, answer queries, and provide recommendations. 

Will AI Replace Salespeople? 

The question of whether AI will replace salespeople is a topic of much worry and debate. Generative AI is transforming sales processes as a powerful tool to enhance salespeople’s capabilities. It enhances sales by analyzing customer sentiments and subtle signals, enabling real-time collaboration and deeper insights for salespeople. 

It is not a substitute for human sales professionals. Here’s why: 

Generative AI is a Tool, not a Replacement 

  • Generative AI like ChatGPT can automate many routine sales tasks, such as drafting emails, responding to proposal requests, organizing notes, and automatically updating CRM data.  
  • This automation frees up time for salespeople to focus on building relationships and engaging in strategic thinking—tasks that require a human touch. 

It Lacks Emotional Intelligence 

  • Sales is fundamentally about human connections. Building trust, understanding client needs, and negotiating deals require emotional intelligence and empathy, which AI currently lacks.  
  • While generative AI in sales can enhance the efficiency of teams, it cannot replace the emotional intelligence and personal touch that human salespeople bring to the table. 

Complex Problem Solving Requires Nuanced Thinking 

  • While AI in sales can handle vast amounts of data and identify patterns, complex problem-solving often requires human creativity and judgment.  
  • Sales professionals can interpret nuanced client requirements and adapt solutions on the fly, something generative AI cannot yet replicate. 

Instead of replacing salespeople, generative AI will support them, allowing them to focus more on strategic and relational aspects of their roles. By automating routine tasks and providing valuable insights, AI enables sales professionals to concentrate on their strengths—building relationships and developing effective strategies.  

By leveraging generative AI in sales activities, like prospecting, you can work more efficiently and effectively, maintaining your top seller status. 

man speaking into headset gesturing animatedly at computer screen

How to Use Generative AI for Sales Prospecting: Examples and Prompts 

Generative AI can significantly enhance your effectiveness in various prospecting tasks and across the customer journey that can drive impact. In fact, the top three use cases for generative AI are all focused on prospecting and lead generation. This isn't surprising given the huge amount of data available on potential customers and the difficulty of personalizing marketing outreach at scale. 

First, a Cautionary Reminder 

While generative AI offers powerful tools for enhancing sales prospecting, it's important to remember that AI is not infallible. Like humans, AI can produce outputs that reflect stereotypes, biases, or inaccuracies. Therefore, it’s essential to actively evaluate and verify AI-generated information to ensure it’s accurate and free from unwanted biases.  

Below are specific sales prospecting use cases and suggested ChatGPT prompts for different sales tasks. (Remember to adjust these prompts based on your specific needs and sales goals.) 

1. Lead Identification and Qualification

At the top of the funnel, generative AI surpasses conventional AI methods, which rely on web scraping and basic prioritization for lead identification and targeting. Unlike these traditional methods, generative AI analyzes datasets from social media, CRM systems, and industry reports to pinpoint potential leads. For example, it can highlight companies that have recently secured funding or are entering new markets. 

McKinsey reports that 60% of commercial leaders consider the impact of generative AI on lead identification to be significant or very significant. 

Suggested ChatGPT Prompt:  

"I need help identifying and qualifying potential leads. Please analyze the following criteria and suggest suitable leads: 

  1. Industry: [Specify the industry or industries]
  2. Company Size: [Specify the size, e.g., small, medium, large]
  3. Recent Business Activities: [Mention any specific activities like recent funding, mergers, expansions]
  4. Geographic Location: [Specify the region or city]
  5. Job Titles/Departments: [Specify the roles or departments that are the target]

Provide a list of potential leads that match these criteria and explain why they would be a good fit." 

2. Personalized Outreach

Generative AI excels at analyzing customer behavior, preferences, and demographics to craft tailored content and messaging. From the start, it can draft highly personalized follow-up emails and offer contextual chatbot support. By examining a prospect’s LinkedIn profile and company news, AI can create customized messages that address specific needs and interests, boosting engagement and scaling effectively. 

An early adopter of ChatGPT, New Business Account Manager for an education marketing company, Jonathan Teather, was initially attracted to the administrative efficiency of the tool, using it to summarize prospects’ emails. Teather has since expanded his use to include lead identification and personalization/ drafting templates for email sequences.  

According to Teather, “It’s good in a lot of ways but most times, I have to tell it to be less stiff in its language. It’s not always easy to source details for contacts within organizations, but you could ask the same question in different ways and sometimes get it that way.” 

“I have used it to summarize emails and reply based on the parameters of how I want to structure replies for the desired outcome.”  

- Jonathan Teather, New Business Account Manager at 

Suggested ChatGPT Prompt:   

"I need help crafting a personalized outreach message for a potential lead. Here’s the information I have: 

  1. Prospect’s Name: [Insert name]
  2. Company Name: [Insert company name]
  3. Industry: [Insert industry]
  4. Recent Activities or News: [Insert any recent news or activities related to the prospect’s company]
  5. Job Title/Role: [Insert job title or role]
  6. Pain Points or Needs: [Insert any known challenges or needs]

Create a personalized email message or LinkedIn connection request addressing the prospect’s specific interests and demonstrating how our solution can benefit them." 

3. Automated Follow-Ups

By integrating ChatGPT with your existing systems, like calendars and CRMs, it can serve as a round-the-clock assistant. This setup easily fits into daily workflows and boosts productivity by allowing you to focus on high-value tasks. 

It offers real-time feedback on customer interaction metrics, providing actionable coaching tips to help you refine your strategies for better results. 

Additionally, ChatGPT can manage scheduling and send automated follow-up emails based on triggers such as no response or key milestones, ensuring timely communication with minimal manual effort. 

Suggested ChatGPT Prompt:  

"I need assistance creating an automated follow-up message for a prospect who hasn't responded to my initial outreach. Here are the details: 

  1. Prospect’s Name: [Insert name]
  2. Company Name: [Insert company name]
  3. Date of Initial Contact: [Insert date]
  4. Content of Initial Outreach: [Briefly describe or provide the content of the initial message]
  5. Reason for Follow-Up: [Explain why you’re following up—e.g., to provide additional information, remind them of an offer, etc.]
  6. Desired Action: [Specify what you want the prospect to do—e.g., schedule a call, respond to an email, etc.]

Generate a follow-up email or message that is polite, concise, and encourages the prospect to take the next step." 

4. Data-Driven Insights

You can use generative AI to analyze past interactions and outcomes to provide insights into the most effective messaging and approaches for distinct types of prospects. For instance, it might reveal that prospects in a particular industry respond better to specific value propositions or offers.  

Additionally, AI can identify patterns in successful sales interactions, allowing you to replicate these strategies with similar prospects. This data-driven approach ensures that your sales efforts are continually optimized, thereby increasing the likelihood of conversion. 

Suggested ChatGPT Prompt:  

"I need help analyzing past sales interactions to gain insights into effective messaging and approaches. Here are the details: 

  1. Interaction Data: [Provide summaries or key points from past interactions with prospects]
  2. Outcome Information: [Include results or outcomes of these interactions—e.g., conversion rates, feedback received]
  3. Prospect Types: [Describe the different types of prospects or customer segments]
  4. Current Messaging: [Include examples of the messaging or approaches previously used]

Analyze this data and provide recommendations on what messaging and approaches have been most effective for each type of prospect. Offer suggestions for optimizing future outreach based on these insights." 

5. Lead Scoring and Prioritization

Generative AI can automate the process of lead scoring by analyzing various data points, such as engagement levels, company fit, and demographic information. It can then prioritize leads based on their likelihood to convert, allowing you to focus your efforts on the most promising opportunities.  

Additionally, AI can continuously update lead scores as new data becomes available, ensuring that you always have the most current and accurate information. This dynamic prioritization maximizes efficiency and helps you allocate time and resources where they will have the greatest impact. 

Suggested ChatGPT prompt:  

"I need assistance with automating lead scoring for my sales process. Here’s the data I have: 

  1. Lead Information: [Provide data points such as lead name, company name, engagement levels, and demographic details]
  2. Engagement Levels: [Include information on how engaged each lead has been, such as email opens, clicks, or interactions]
  3. Company Fit: [Describe how well the company matches your target criteria, such as industry, company size, or revenue]
  4. Demographic Information: [Provide details like job title, department, and location]

Analyze this data to score and prioritize the leads based on their likelihood to convert. Provide a ranked list of leads with recommendations on how to focus my efforts." 

6. Sales Script Development

Another way ChatGPT can assist you is by developing and refining sales scripts through the analysis of successful past interactions. By identifying patterns and key phrases that resonated well with customers, ChatGPT can create tailored scripts that are more likely to engage and convert leads.  

Additionally, it can continually refine these scripts based on ongoing performance data, ensuring that you always have the most effective communication strategies. This iterative process helps maintain a high level of personalization and relevance in your sales pitches, ultimately boosting overall sales effectiveness. 

Suggested ChatGPT Prompt:   

“I need help developing and refining a sales script. Here are the details: 

  1. Past Interactions: [Provide summaries or key points from past successful sales interactions]
  2. Conversion Elements: [Include any specific phrases, responses, or techniques that contributed to successful outcomes]
  3. Prospect Types: [Describe the different types of prospects you encounter, including their industries, job titles, or other relevant characteristics]
  4. Current Sales Objectives: [Specify the goals of the sales script, such as scheduling a meeting, closing a sale, or gathering more information]

Generate a sales script incorporating effective phrases and responses tailored to each prospect type." 

 hands typing at a computer screen showing a booked calendar

7. Market and Competitor Analysis

ChatGPT can monitor and analyze market trends and competitor activities to provide valuable insights. This information helps in positioning products or services more effectively and anticipating potential objections from prospects.  

By staying informed about industry developments and competitor strategies, you can tailor your approach to highlight unique selling points and proactively address customer concerns. This strategic advantage ensures that your offerings remain competitive and aligned with market demands. 

“For my part, I find it helpful for prospecting into partnerships and other sort of non-conventional sales where we don’t already have clear prospecting approaches.”  

- Andrew Kirk, Business Unit Manager at FindAUniversity

Suggested ChatGPT Prompt:  

"I need assistance with conducting a market and competitor analysis. Here are the details: 

  1. Market Focus: [Specify the market or industry you are analyzing, including key segments or regions]
  2. Competitor List: [Provide names of key competitors you want to analyze]
  3. Competitor Information: [Include any known details about competitors, such as their product offerings, market position, or recent activities]
  4. Market Trends: [Describe any specific trends or changes in the market that you are interested in]
  5. Your Business Objectives: [Explain what you hope to achieve with this analysis, such as identifying opportunities, understanding competitive positioning, or refining your strategy]

Analyze market and competitor information to provide insights on trends, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. Offer recommendations for positioning my product or service." 

8. Predictive Analytics

Generative AI like ChatGPT can use historical data to forecast future sales trends and identify opportunities. For instance, it can predict which leads are more likely to convert based on patterns observed in past sales cycles, helping to focus sales efforts more strategically.  

Further, as the deal progresses, generative AI can provide real-time negotiation guidance and predictive insights. It does this by analyzing historical transaction data, customer behavior, and competitive pricing. This comprehensive analysis helps you make informed decisions and optimize negotiation strategies. 

Suggested ChatGPT Prompt:  

"I need help using historical sales data to forecast future trends and identify potential opportunities. Here are the details: 

  1. Historical Sales Data: [Provide a summary or key points of historical sales data, including metrics such as sales volume, revenue, and time periods]
  2. Sales Trends: [Describe any known patterns or trends in the historical data, such as seasonal variations or growth trends]
  3. Key Variables: [Include any factors that may influence sales trends, such as market conditions, promotions, or changes in product offerings]
  4. Goals: [Specify what you aim to achieve with this analysis, such as predicting sales for the next quarter, identifying high-growth opportunities, or adjusting your sales strategy]

Analyze historical sales data to forecast future trends and identify opportunities. Provide insights on expected performance and recommendations." 

Juggling sales tasks can be time-consuming, but generative AI tools like ChatGPT can revolutionize your sales prospecting and boost your bottom line. Use AI to maximize efficiency and effectiveness through automating tasks and boosting lead conversion success.

By thoughtfully incorporating AI into your sales process, you optimize your prospecting efforts and pave your way to the top of the sales board. 

Picture of Rama Eriksson

Rama Eriksson

Digital Content Editor (more)
Rama Eriksson is a Digital Content Editor at Her writing is complemented by 15+ years as an international marketing professional. She brings her experience and curiosity to connect professionals to the right training to help further their goals. Rama has Masters degrees in both law and business. Originally from the New York area, Rama has lived in Stockholm, Sweden since 2010. (less)


Rama Eriksson is a Digital Content Editor at Her writing is complemented by 15+ years as an international marketing professional. She brings her experience and curiosity to connect professionals to the right training to help further their goals. Rama has Masters degrees in both law and business. Originally from the New York area, Rama has lived in Stockholm, Sweden since 2010.
