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E-learning and Online Training and Professional Development

A flexible and cost-effective training method, e-learning or online training allows employees to quickly expand their skill set or get certified in skills they already possess. Many employees prefer online training courses because they can be done at their own pace and don't require employees to take time off work. Online learning is usually cheaper than classroom-based learning, or even free! Plus, the courses are accessible from a variety of learning platforms like computers, smartphones, and tablets so your learning can go anywhere with you.

Some of the most popular professional topics to study online include:

  • Time Management 
  • Data Science, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning
  • Computer Programming
  • Graphic Design
  • Language Learning
  • Accounting and Bookkeeping

Most courses can be delivered, at least in part, online.

The Advantages of Online Training

The many benefits of online training and e-learning make this delivery method the most popular among HR managers and L&D professionals for training their employees. Here are just a few of the advantages of online training:

Time Saving and Cost Effective

E-learning courses are inexpensive. Without the travel and overhead costs associated with classroom courses or the instructor travel costs that come with on-site or in-house programs, training providers offering e-learning course options are able to deliver quality learning solutions at a very affordable price. E-learning courses are fast and save important work time by completely eliminating travel. Attending courses online creates a level of flexibility that means little to no time is lost in the process leading up to taking your course.


E-learning courses are flexible. Many distance courses can be taken at any time, allowing you to fit the learning solution into your schedule rather than having to adjust your schedule to fit the course. E-learning options are always growing. Companies now view e-learning as a viable platform for learning solutions. More and more training providers are offering accredited e-learning programs that result in current certificates and qualifications.

Immediate Results

Since courses are offered online, the evaluation and results of your work will be available almost immediately. You can also print the results when you take online courses with printable certificates. 

Types of Online Training

On-Demand Courses

On-demand courses are offered for participants that want to create their own schedule. This is an ideal option for busy professionals that find they are constantly needing to learn new skills as a part of their regular work but have irregular schedules.

Live Webinars

Those looking to join in on scheduled online lectures would be most interested in webinars. These courses allow students to take part in a course from anywhere in the world but still have the structure of a scheduled course time.

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