Corporate / Group Training

Organizational Resilience Based on ISO 22316

GoldSRD, Online (+1 locations)
24-40 hours
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Inquire about on-site training for teams (+2 start dates)
On-site, Virtual Classroom
24-40 hours
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On-site, Virtual Classroom
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Course description

Organizational Resilience Based on ISO 22316

This certification proves that you have gained a comprehensive understanding of the concepts, methods, standards, approaches, and techniques required for the effective implementation and management of a Resilience Strategy.

This certification demonstrates that you have mastered the concepts of resilience, which are the basis for an organization’s Resilience Strategy, and thus help in coping with today’s dynamic and constantly changing business environment.

Get in touch to learn more about our training for your team!

Upcoming start dates

Choose between 2 start dates

Inquire about on-site training for teams

  • On-site
  • Worldwide

Inquire about virtual training for teams

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online

Who should attend?

Attendees that want to build strong rapport and trust with teammates through team building (NASBA Field of Study: Information Technology)

Certification / Credits


  • Individuals involved in business continuity
  • Individuals responsible for the effectiveness of resilience within an organization
  • Individuals concerned with organizational resilience enhancement

Why choose GoldSRD?

Professional Trainers that know how to engage everyone

100% Client Retention

280+ full day courses

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2641 Pine Springs Drive
75093 Dallas Texas


GoldSRD is a leading provider of high-quality, interactive professional development. We have over 200 full-day courses on technical capabilities (Internal Audit, Accounting, Finance, IT Audit and Microsoft-Office specific courses) and People-Centric (“soft”) skills. Our Founder, Danny M. Goldberg, is a...

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